Cancer is caused by errors, but too many errors will defeat cancer.
We take advantage of the increased mutation rates of human cancers to induce a system overload that results in tumor cell death.
“The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
A disruptive concept for future cancer treatment
Rather than inhibiting tumor promoting pathways, like it was done over the last decades with marginal success, we capitalize on a better understanding of tumor biology.
The key strength of human cancer is its ability to adapt to changing growth conditions. This not only allows cancers to grow and metastasize, but also to adapt to various kinds of modern cancer treatments.
Enin Pharma turns this strength into a weakness. We have found ways to increase the error rate during cancer cell growth to a level that leads to self-destruction of cancer cells.
This will allow a more curative treatment of human cancers.
About us
Enin Pharma GmbH was founded in 2008 based on a groundbreaking idea of how human malignancies can be treated in the future. At that point in time, it became widely accepted that all human carcinomas are caused by genetic instability that does not only drive tumor progression, but is also responsible for the development of drug resistance also against modern cancer treatments.
Today, tumor growth can be described by mathematical models that are similar to those that are used to describe evolution processes. These models show on the one hand that an increased mutation rate promotes tumor growth, but on the other hand predict that increasing the error rate in tumor cells above a certain threshold will induce tumor cell death.
We have identified potential targets whose inhibition will further increase the mutation rate in a “surgical” way in cancer cells, but not in normal cells of the human body, so that an error catastrophe will be induced in tumors, and Enin Pharma has already been able to identify first in class compounds that specifically inhibit these targets.
Enin Pharma thus is leading the way for developing completely new treatments for human cancers by making use of our improved understanding of tumor evolution.
Our team of experts and advisors build the strong foundation to tackle this challenging journey.
Wolfgang Deppert
Wolfgang is co-founder of Enin Pharma and a cancer research scientist who won several prizes over his career, among them the prestigious German Cancer Research Award . He focused his scientific career on the role of oncogenes and tumor suppressors in tumor development and progression.
Michael Lee
Michael is an international experienced professional with a proven track record of successful management and acceleration of digital startups and grown-ups. Michael represents Enin Pharma towards investors and stakeholders and ensures daily operations.
Get in Touch
We are constantly looking for experts that can help us make significant progress in our mission and for investors that want to help us finance this exciting journey.